Sunday, January 24, 2010


Question: "How real was the threat of Communist spies within the USA?"

All government officials had to sign loyalty oaths so the government would be more at ease, worrying less that there were Communist spies who are government workers. Those that didn't want to sign the oath were fired from their jobs. This action didn't seem logical or righteous.

The Rosenburg Trial (1951) was a big threat to the Americans. Klaus Fuchs admitted he had given information to the Soviet Union about the atomic bomb. Further investigation led to the Rosenbergs. The two brothers were then executed in 1953.

Question: "Is it fair to say that the anxiety caused in the US due to Nuclear threat, was useful and 'healthy'?"

The Federal Civil Defense Administration helped the Americans prepare for a nuclear attack. There were warning sirens carried out every week. This was done for the Americans to practice if there was a nuclear attack. Students also practiced at school, to hide under desks if there was a nuclear attack.

Some Americans built fallout shelters in their backyards that a family could hide in for protection of an atomic explosion. This strategy was useful because it could help the Americans prepare and secure themselves, knowing there is a safe to hide if an atomic bomb drops in their city.

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