Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Document C
  1. Mr. Dash hoped to find evidence that whether the government is involved in the Watergate case.
  2. To have a detailed story of how Mr. Kalmbach was involved with the plumbers and Watergate.
  3. It is important for the attorneys in court to know what has happened in order to have support
  4. $50,000-$100,000 was used to support the families of the seven defendants.
  5. The document was written a few years after the scandal, when the courts and the FBI were still investigating on the scandal.
  6. origin
Document F
  1. The lawyer hoped to helped to together
  2. He wants to know if Mr. Hunts did anything unpleasant for the White House.

  3. The package contained #75,000 used for the seven defendants' families (related to scandal)

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