Wednesday, March 3, 2010


  1. Japanese women lives have changed positively during the 1950s. There was work in cotton factories which gave jobs to women that desired short-term employment. Women could have more education and there were also more job offers that allowed women to work.

  2. Japanese women lives didn't change positively during the 1950s. According to Nancy Brown Diggs, "the typical Japanese woman, in contrast, feels that since she is in full charge of the home, she has no need to seek further responsibility in the outside world," which a Japanese woman might think of.
  1. Macnaughtan, H. (2004). Women, work, and the japanese economic miracle: The case
    of the cotton textile industry, 1945-1975.

  2. Diggs, N. B. (1998). Steel butterflies: Japanese women and the american experience.

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