Friday, March 19, 2010


Historical Investigation rough draft of Part B:

According to Women, Work, and the Japanese Economic Miracle: The Case of the Cotton Textile Industry, 1945-1975, Japan’s economy has changed positively and affected Japanese women during the 1950s. Cotton factories allowed Japanese women to work in the industry, which were fit for women that wanted short-term employment. Female workers soon became the core label force when they were allowed to work in factories. The change in economy caused the amount of people who started to get an education and the amount of job-offers to increase (Macnaughtan).

Being allowed to work raised the level of women, from being housewives to workers in the cotton industry, but not all of the women in Japan wanted to work (Macnaughtan, Diggs). Confucianism, a widely practiced religion in Japan, put women at a lower level. During the 1950s, Japan and the United States believed that housewives has an important role to a family and society. Most Japanese prefer to follow the traditional ideas, where men go out and earn money while the women stay at home. Japan believed that the family is essential for a stable society, showing the importance of housewives (Diggs).

A Japanese woman is the one in charge at home and has no need to have other responsibilities outside of the house (Diggs). Some women feel their talents should be used somewhere else and not for domestic life, but some people (junior high students) didn’t finish school and started to work (Diggs, Macnaughtan).

From 1950 to 1970, the number of junior high students that left school to go to work was around 48 percent. In the mid-1960s, more males were going to senior high school than females, but by the late 1960s, the amount of males and females going to senior high school was the same. Many high school graduates worked in non-agricultural parts of the economy. Because of the core labor force, the requirements for education were changed. During the postwar period, education requirements became nine years instead of five years (Macnaughtan).

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